Friday, November 30, 2012

List of top 10 hottest animated guys

So I’ve decided to go ahead and do  my personal list of top ten hottest animated guys, and I’m going to blame it on  Snow White (yes, you know who you are), and also the fact that my fever is not letting me sleep. It was good entertainment though.   

As it always occurs with these list, this is my own personal opinion, not the entire world, and as a matter of fact, At the beginning I was thinking , wtf? What do I base my tastes on? These guys have nothing to do with each other… but they do.. they do…

So the countdown begins!!!

10. Miguel – El Dorado

Ok So I’m still not quite sure how he managed to sneak into the list instead of others with much more potential (Prince Adam, Philipp, Aladdin and several others that did not make the cut) So I’m gonna go with: He’s Spanish! And I favored him based on nationalism.

 he also did this…


Anyway he’s funny, has a great heart as he shows in the movie, and was constantly making me laugh. So yeah!

9. Van Halen – Justice Friends

He got a Spot here, because when I was 5 I thought he was the best. And was my imaginary boyfriend. Cuz.. he looks cool, and he has a pink guitar!!!

Subliminal message (probably why my toddler mind did not comprehend my fascination with this guy)
Anywho, he’s a rock star, and a superhero at the same time. And a Viking!! Bonus points for being a Viking!!  Not to mention you never see his eyes! And that makes him all mysterious, right! Right?..
Actually he’s dummer than a sack of cat poopie....

...But VIKING!


Speaking of hot Vikings (haha irony, cause they come from the cold places. Get it?)  THOR.
Viking god, he has a hammer and stuff

doesn't even look like thor, doesn't even have a hammer= don't know what the F i'm talking about.
Actually I have never seen the cartoon, or any animated version of Thor before. Why is he on the list then, you ask?
Duh! Cause I know he turns into Chris Hemsworth!

7. Peter pan  - Pips - Ferngully

So yeah, Peter is an Eternal child who doesn’t want to grow up….. wait, this is totally wrong and pervy of me isn’t it?.... it is.

So here is Pips instead!!

He basically looks as if Peter Pan, became a teenager, grew a mullet, took steroids, took his shirt off and sprouted wings. Who would’t enjoy that!? 
The lead female in his movie appearantly. Because she was a total tease, and fell for zack the blonde human instead. And it made Pips and angry little bastard, 
above, angry Pips

which made him hot! So take that Zach, now Pips is on my list and you’re forgotten.
Really, who would remember Zack? He poked trees with a knife, and had a Walkman.. pssh a Walkman. Keep up with the times Ass hole. GO PIPS!

6. Reginald – the mad hatter

I know,  this is totally wrong.  But its not this hatter
I'm not that sick yet

Its this one, the one created by Brianna Garcia.

Why, you ask?

Um… I’m …not…sure…

Weeeeell.. he’s funny and, weird… and aggravates everyone.
Look, Alice needs a Love interest, and if her a short old crazy fart it doesn’t work. And this way it does and. Look go Eff yourself, this needs to happen!!!!

 and that’s that!
....Seriously how did other Disney princes not make it on here…I’m a sick person. I’ll blame It on the fever

5. Helia- winx

Yeah, I know, he looks not manly, and dresses like a girl, and is like stick thin and..yeah.  but that’s just the animation. Its an Italian cartoon. Lets blame them. Also, its target audience is girls 3-13 they don’t know what a man is, they just like pretty.

I just like his personality, he’s a specialist (which means he goes to a school of heroes, that use magic weapons and fly ships and all kinds of futuristic rides) he was the best, until he turned into a pacifist. A tortured soul. Which means he just tells the teachers to fuck themselves and fight their own dragons, while he paints and writes poetry and composes things.
He sounds like a lady right? NO! there’s this one moment where all his team mates are gonna get owned by a huge beast, and he’s just watching like a jerk. But it so happens that the girl he likes gets into perils way, and stopps the 1000 ton beast in one move!! 
"fucking loosers, I can do ti one handed, with thread!"

Now that’s a gentlemen… (once she’s out of danger, he releases the thing and abandons his team mates again and goes back to poetry)
la la la roses, la la pacifist

If this was intended, for girls whose genitalia was awakening and tingling for the first time, I asure you he would not dress like a girl, and he would not wear glitter. He would just be a poetry writing jerk, with semi translucent hair. HOT!

4. Garret – quest for Camelot

He might not be particularly the hottest (then again, my list so far doesn’t speak wonders of me) but I Totally adored him and I still do. He’s Blind! And an Outcast.  He’s a blind outcast with an attitude who hates people that see!! 

Another asshole, who goes out of his way to be an asshole
But then he goes and gets all hurt and stuff, and sings about seeing things because SHE is there (super romantic because HE’S BLIND)

Yeah, he secured a way into her pants with that song!

3. John Rolfe
moodily staring into the horizon, best impression guaranteed 

As I was looking through all the Disney princes that did not make it into my list, when I in fact had to choose at least one, I went with John Rolfe. Because he’s a gentlemen, and has a code of honor, and manners and is all society appropriate and stuff,

 and still falls for the girl who is not.

AND he beat John Smith! CHA! Yeah sure, Smith was all hot and stuff, but he was all outcasty himself, so its not as hot.  And Rolfe stealing the girl from the guy who pretty much came back from the dead. Makes him even awesomer, because he let her go! And still she chose him! Take that smith, if you wanted her, you should have let her father die!

2.Flynn Ryder

I’m not calling him a Disney prince, because he is in a category of his own.
He’s hot! He knows it, he’s all suave and bad boyish. He’s a fucking thief! He’s constantly trying to destroy Rapunzel’s spirit by exposing her to horrors....
and beating her with a chandeabra

. And he ends up falling for her precisely because she can’t be broken! (except for a braid… seriously Disney? 10000 miles of loose hair, and nothing happens, shorten that to a 10 foot braid and dramatic music.. boom! Tangled in a branch! She should have fallen backwards the moment her hair was braided in the first place!)

Any who. Flynn climbs towers and rescues her by sacrificing himself. and when he is saved, he spoils the potential most romantic line in the movie, by saying “I always had a thing for brunettes” intead of something like “it wasn’t the hair, it was you!” because you know.. fuck romance! 

He’s Flynn Rider!

1. Zuko – avatar, the last Airbender
ignore the bald side...yes i'm that vain...

Yeah. Yell at me or whatever. But, he’s all dark, and tragic . and a bad guy. With a bad haircut. And evolves into awesomeness.
I agree completely

I’m a sucker for the bad boys with big tempers, who simmer down by girls with even bigger tempers. They get put in their place! Yeah! And pretend that they don’t. CUTE!  Any way. Tragic, with a burnt scar on his face, looking for his own destiny. Outcasty and traitor to everyone. YEAH!

And he makes fire with his hands!! He’s perfect!! I would never have to use a microwave again!!!

Oh yeah, he’s also a prince heir to a country… that’s a bonus

That concludes my very effing strange list of hottest animated guys (NOT COUNTING ANIME, that is a different list)  what do they  all have in common? Hair! Long hair. Every-single-one
What does that say about me? I base my lists on the appearance of hair! ….I mean I didn’t even like zuko when he was bald. Or when he had a buzz cut.. then he let his hair grow and boom. Top of the list.

I’m a terrible person…but....

Monday, September 17, 2012

QUIERO el champu de Rapunzel!!

A la compañía Disney, y específicamente a los creadores de Rapunzel:

Como gran fan que soy, y mi creciente admiración por esta princesa de pelo magnifico, me gustaría hacer una pequeña petición. Una petición, que supondría usar los mágicos conocimientos de la corporación para crear el champú que usa Rapunzel.

Como alguien que se obsesiona con su pelo, seria exquisito, poder usar el mismo champú que usa la princesa, con todas las cualidades especiales que este tiene. De esta forma yo también podría disfrutar de un cabello limpio durante mas tiempo, gracias a su  protección anti suciedad, con la cual podría completar actividades como: rodar colina abajo como una croqueta fuera de control, rebozarme en un barrizal, limpiar la encimera cuando no encuentre la bayeta. Y mi pelo se mantendría impecablemente limpio como si acabase de salir de la ducha.
Ni barro, ni hierba ni hormigas! LIMPIO!!

No hay que olvidar la segunda cualidad del champú, reparador de puntas y fortalecimiento del cabello y raíces ULTRA potente.  Gracias al que podría, resumir mis antiguas costumbres, de colgarme de sitios usando el pelo de arnés, y levantar a la gente del suelo mediante el uso del pelo (en vez de la mano, porque los gérmenes me dan miedo)  Además, podría cumplir mi meta, de utilizar el pelo como látigo, y coger el mando a distancia sin levantarme del sofá.
tu mejor arma, como mujer seductora, o como asesina a sueldo!

Estas dos magnificas cualidades, harían del champú rapunzel el más codiciado del mercado, pero por supuesto estaría incompleto, sin el Acondicionador que ella usa, el cual tiene ese potenciador de suavidad y anti enredos para el pelo.

Yo, que soy una persona a quien el pelo se le enreda con frecuencia (cada 4 segundos para ser exactos) y cuyos enredos son increíblemente difíciles de quitar sin un acondicionador apropiado, tres mascarillas suavizantes y un lanzallamas (si no que se lo pregunten a François, mi antiguo estilista)
asi es mi pelo! 

 agradecería el anti enredos del acondicionador de rapunzel, que me permitiría no preocuparme de cosas como pillarme el pelo al subirme la cremallera, o al cerrar una puerta, incluso de cuando mi gata decide cardarme el pelo mientras duermo porque no la hago caso. El acondicionador anti enredos y suavizante de rapunzel, conseguiría que mi cabellera pareciese recién salida de una peluquería, y no recién salida de un revolcón en un pajar donde duermen tres vagabundos por la noche (no hay porque preocuparse, nunca he cometido tal acto, las pulgas que viven en los pajares me dan miedo)

No soy ingenua, sé que el uso de flores silvestres como elemento decorativo en un peinado, elimina los mágicos poderes del anti enredos (he visto la película y sé que ocurre) aunque me gustaría preguntar a la corporación, si el uso de flores de plástico también anula el efecto.

Con esta gama de productos, podríais considerar también la inclusión de tintes Rapunzel. Siendo permanentes y con color que nunca se va, sin contar que nunca jamás saldrán raíces. Y si una persona se cansa del color, lo único que tiene que hacer es cortarse el pelo, de modo que el cabello volverá a su color natural.
un corte y...
...Voila!! perfecto! color de vuelta al natural

(tambien incluido, el trozo de espejo rapunzel, con un solo tajo. el corte deseado incluyendo todas las capas!!)

Con todo esto, me gustaría añadir, que no estaría nada mal, si el uso de estos milagrosos champús (que espero que tras leer mi petición, fabriquéis cuanto antes y sin falta) incluyese también el beneficio de los poderes curativos de rapunzel, por que eso seria, estupendo. Ah, pero si puede ser que los poderes curativos no incluyan el pelo brillante cada vez que canto… veréis, soy parte de una sociedad secreta de espías, y para pasar el tiempo, me gusta tararearme en voz baja mientras espero oculta entre las sombras, con lo que me fastidiaría enormemente que mi pelo se iluminase y descubriesen mi posición.
Ya jamas podre ahogarle sin que lo sepa....

Gracias, por considerarlo mi peticion.

Desde Wondermiauland.

Esto es la epifania que me ha llevado hasta aqui....

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Disfraces para que entienda Rocio :)

Alice - el fenix
El primer vestido, el segundo no.

Damien - El capitan Garfio

obviamente el traje del hombre

 Jake - Mr Steampunk

Alexander- Dorian grey

no me he complicado la vida con este. que le vamos a hacer

Morgan - Le papillon

imaginatelo en su pelo moreno

las alas que lleva porque quiere
Add caption
 Olette - hechicera

si, se ha transformado el pelo para la ocasion, va de morena

Vivian - Steampunk Rockstar

solo el corpino
solo la falda
el peinado

las alas, que le dan el rock al star.